Presidential Speeches

December 11, 1961: Remarks to a U.N. Delegation of Women

About this speech

John F. Kennedy

December 11, 1961

Source John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

President Kennedy meets with a delegation of female representatives from the United Nations at the White House. He mentions his commitment to the ideas that led to the United Nations' founding and speaks with hope for how it may be used to promote diplomacy in the future.

Rather than posting the full speech video, which is the Miller Center's customary practice, this video contains only an excerpt (bolded in the transcript). It was the only video material available from the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, which owns the copyright of this video. Please contact the Foundation if you are interested in using the footage. 

Audio of the full speech is available for download below. 

Presidential Speeches |

December 11, 1961: Remarks to a U.N. Delegation of Women

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