Areas Of Expertise American Defense and Security Congress Education Finance and Banking Elections Energy and the Environment Infrastructure War and Terrorism Federalism Health Jobs and Economy World Happenings Africa Founding and Shaping of the Nation Human Rights and Civil Rights Taxation Asia Immigration Impeachment Trade Europe Law and Justice Leadership Latin America and the Caribbean Media and the Press Political Parties and Movements Middle East Politics Religion North America Race and Racism The Presidency Science and Technology South America Supreme Court Social Issues The First Year Foreign Affairs Domestic Affairs Economic Issues Governance Search Experts Kent Germany Nonresident Faculty Senior Fellow Race and Racism, Social Issues, Economic Issues, Jobs and Economy, The Presidency Ken Hughes Research Specialist Foreign Affairs, American Defense and Security, Governance, Leadership, Political Parties and Movements, Politics, The Presidency 703-908-0127 Guian McKee Professor Health, Law and Justice, Race and Racism, Social Issues, Economic Issues 434-243-8856 Marc Selverstone Director of Presidential Studies Foreign Affairs, American Defense and Security, Politics, The Presidency 434-243-8983